Monday, September 30, 2013

DNSSEC maintenance tools

DNSSEC has a reasonable effort for one time setup but even more pain comes in managing the keys, expiry and updating your keys and then adding DS (Delegation Signer) keys with your provider or DLV (DNSSEC Look-aside Validation) to the less ideal DLV. system.

If you do not own a hardware RNG (Random Number Generator) and are creating keys manually, here are some tools to help you maintain ZSK (Zone Signing Key) and KSK (Key Signing Key).

1. DNSSEC expiration checking and alerting bash script
(Recommend that you do this from an independent server than your authoritative DNS server with DNSSEC)
if [ -z $1 ]; then
echo Usage $0 DomainName
TODAY=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M00`;
for j in `dig $1 RRSIG | egrep -o '2[0-9]{13} 2[0-9]{13}'`;
if [ ! -z $FAZE ]; then
    d2=$(date -d "$(( (FAZE / 1000000) ))" +%s)
    d1=$(date +%s)
    DIFF=$(( (d2 - d1) / 86400 ))
    if [ $DIFF -lt 0 ]; then
        echo Expired already $j $TODAY $FAZE
    elif [ $DIFF -lt 30 ]; then
        echo RRSIG expires in less than 30 days please renew
        logger -p "Dates are well for $1. Cert will expire in $DIFF days"
unset FAZE
2. DNSSEC Key rotation and renewal
(Ah so you got an alert from the earlier script saying your key for domain is about to expire or has expired.)
Here are the assumptions for this script
  • You have ZSK (512-bit) and a KSK (1024-bit) keys
  • You rotate ZSK every month and KSK every year (don't forget to update your DS - elegation Signer - public key art your domain service provider)
  • Your zone files are in /var/named/chroot/var/named/data and your keys are in /var/named/chroot/var/keys (ZSK keys are in ./zsk folder under here)
  • Your domain serial number is 10 digit number like 2013011301 
if [ -z $1 ]; then
 echo "Usage $0 [-monthly|-yearly] DomainName"
 exit 1
if [ -z $2 ]; then
 echo "Usage $0 [-monthly|-yearly] DomainName"
 exit 1

#Where you keys are kept and zone files exists
#32 days expiry for each signature using ZSK
EXPIRY=`date --date="32 days" +%Y%m%d120001`
mkdir -p $KDIR/archive
    serial=`egrep -o -i '[0-9]{10}' $DOMAIN`
    ns=$((serial + 1))
    mv $DOMAIN $DOMAIN.bak
    echo $serial $ns
    sed -e "s/$serial/$ns/" $DOMAIN.bak > $DOMAIN
#Generate your new ZSK every month
    mv $KDIR/zkeys/* $KDIR/archive
    nzsk=`/usr/sbin/dnssec-keygen  -r /dev/urandom -a RSASHA1 -b 512 -n ZONE -K $KDIR/zkeys ${DOMAIN}`
    /usr/sbin/dnssec-signzone -N INCREMENT -S -K $KDIR -e $EXPIRY ${DOMAIN} $KDIR/zkeys/$nzsk
    named-checkzone $DOMAIN $DOMAIN.signed
    rndc reload

case "$1" in
# Generate your new KSK every year
    mv $KDIR/K$DOMAIN.* $KDIR/archive
    /usr/sbin/dnssec-keygen -r /dev/urandom -f KSK -a RSASHA1 -b 1024 -K $KDIR -n ZONE ${DOMAIN}
    echo "Usage $0 [-monthly|-yearly] DomainName"
    exit 1

You can set this up as a cron job so you can run this job on a monthly basis as "/var/named/chroot/var/named/ -monthly" and every year run this manually "/var/named/chroot/var/named/ -yearly"

Once you update your yearly KSK, you need to make sure you also update the DS record at your DNS provider.  Don't delete the old DS record, but first publish new DN record (maintaining the old DS records) and wait for about a day (a lot more than your TTL) and afterwards remove the old DS record from your upstream provider.

In this setup, all the old keys are rotated and moved to the "archive" folder.  This is the simplest way for you to automate ZSK updates and renewal.  You can also update the key lengths and add NSEC3 support as appropriate for your needs.


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