Tuesday, April 30, 2013

GeoIP and SQL (Oracle)

I wrote a blog in CERT/CC on GeoIP in your SOC (Security Operations Center).  Here I am exploring a little bit more nuts and bolts (technical) details on optimal ways to use GeoIP data in SQL.  The idea is really optimize bulk lookup of IP addresses for geolocation with very quick response times for say thousands or millions of IP addresses.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

ip2long and long2ip in Excel, SQLite and Oracle

Ever stuck with having to do data manipulation in Excel at a customer's restricted Microsoft environment, say with IP Addresses?  Here are some time savers for your IPV4 address manipulation in Microsoft Excel.  I have also added some SQLite function which can be helpful as SQLite has no native INET_NTOA or INET_ATON functions in MySQL.